Monarch Weightloss Programs
March Special

Our Programs

Monarch’s programs combine prescription-strength appetite suppressants, GLP-1 medications*, and nutritionally balanced weight-loss plans. We’re based right here in Oregon, and our plans are individually customized for each patient.

We offer telemedicine appointments. And we bill insurance.

* For qualifying patients

Choose a plan that works for you

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Jump Start

Jump Start offers a nutritionally balanced menu plan that combines a wide variety of protein-fortified prescription foods, along with a healthy meal of the patient’s choice. JumpStart emphasizes high-protein and lower-fat foods.


New Beginnings

New Beginnings is a medically-supervised weight loss program individualized for each patient. Designed by a team of seven physicians, New Beginnings offers nutritionally balanced menu plans that combine a wide variety of protein-fortified prescription foods with healthy grocery foods.


Weight Loss Tools

For qualifying patients, FDA-approved appetite suppressants are available. In addition, we also provide Lipotropic Vitamin and Tri-Immune injections!

Come learn how we can support you in your weight loss journey! Contact Us at


Contact Us to Start Your Weightloss Journey!

We have a team of physicians ready to help you safely and effectively lose weight! We have four convenient locations and telemedicine available. Contact us today!


Visit One of Our 4 Convenient Locations

* All indicated fields must be completed.
Please include non-medical questions and correspondence only.

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